Ravenshall School

As a large day special school which caters for pupils with complex needs, the Head Teacher was keen to have the website feature their wonderful pupils and fabulous facilities, they contacted me as I’d already been lucky enough to go in (with permission) and take photos for a teacher training scheme (SCITT) a few months previously - turns out they liked my attitude and the photos - YAY!

I was there for a day, and loved it! I flit from one class to the next on these jobs, and naturally the children were interested in what I was up to, but as all pupils do, they soon realised the lesson was more fun than me and carried on. I had a fair few giggles with the students, and lots of friendly chats about my cameras - oh I do love a curious mind!

After such a fun shoot, I had the shots the Head wanted - children enjoying their education. Just great kids at school. Without a focus on any SEN, learning difficulties or mobility issues. Sounds simple doesn’t it? Well, yes, it should be.

photo - www.northern-exposure.co.uk-3024x2016-003776.jpg

Leeds City Council